You can listen to and download most of the Dr. Kamikaze recordings at the links below.
The Sun Is Up; You Must Get Up Too
Dual Ego Gratification
fickle is where the heart is...
Make Art & Stuff Like It
The Money Goes Up
An Agony In Eight Fits
Do Business In Outer-Space
Diametric Correlator and the $35 Sound
it'll work, and nothing will happen: the lost tapes
That last one was recently remastered from the original four-track tapes and features recordings of our high school friends giggling and saying stupid stuff in "altered states of mind," guitars played in dorm communal bathrooms, an Iraq war protest that turned into a slight riot, girls yelling about monkeys, people playing beanbag toss, a story about a stuck-up jerk I met my first year of college who was probably just trying really hard to fit in, Dr. Kamikaze's recollection of accidentally spilling chocolate milk all over his pants in front of a girl he liked, Stevert beating his drums to a song about a whale who dies and goes to heaven but can't fit through the pearly gates, and me being over-enthusiastic and coming off as a jerk making fun of Dr. Kamikaze for not being able to sing or whistle.
And the cover image is of an empty platform and a mirror where a girl I knew once, on a whim, got naked, covered herself in balloons, and posed on and off of a rocking horse and asked me to take photos of her. The whole thing made me nervous as hell and after the photos were snapped she went home for the weekend and I went and got greasy Friday night spaghetti in the dorm cafeteria. I'd liked her and think she'd liked me, but the whole scenario that might have led to something freaked me out and we both became really awkward around each other and then she transferred after the year ended. All of that (along with the fact that those recordings had been lost and then found after a year, and that, out of some sense of what I thought was nobility but was really some sort of fear of ever feeling that awkward again, I threw out the rocking horse-naked-girl-balloon negatives) seemed to fit the title, it'll work, and nothing will happen.