Casey Bye

Writer, Musician, Consumer of Nerd Culture.

Filtering by Tag: Fire

Don't Blame Me, I'm Color Blind!

Never done much coloring on my illustrations, 'cause, well, I'm color blind and never feel like I know what I'm looking at when I'm done. "Why is that person's face green?" I'd regularly be asked in Graphic Design classes.

"Because it's not. Not to me at least," would be my reply as I ran off crying.

But I figured I'd take a stab at playing with Illustrator's coloring capabilities on a couple of my recent superhero doodles.


Saturday sketch of some sort of battle between a few members of the JLI. Why? Why not? The better question is why is Dr. Light's right arm so long? Has she been sneaking Ralph's Gingold? Can I make a geekier reference?

There are several things I'd like to correct here: the physics-defying cape folds; the angularity of Fire's face (faces on a small scale have been tricky lately in general--this was done in an 8x11 sketchbook); Dr. Light's foot placement making it appear like she's walking rather than floating which just screws with the entire perspective (is Fire behind or in front of her?). But I had some fun playing with the more casual, impressionistic cityscape, which allowed for trying out some new pen techniques.

WIP pen & ink

WIP pen & ink

A little digital polish, and things are looking much cleaner!

A little digital polish, and things are looking much cleaner!